Earning a masters degree in economic crime management helps prepare you for various careers in law enforcement, security and investigation. Types of economic crimes include identity theft, Internet fraud, money laundering, and white-collar, corporate or business-related crimes. This professional educational program can be completed in two years, and will provide you with the knowledge, skills, and training tools to tackle economic crime at a global level.
Students have the option of completing the program?s coursework online, on campus, and through distance learning schools. To pursue a degree in economic crime, students should be highly analytical and have an enthusiastic interest in studying courses in psychology, computer technology, business law, ethics, and advance social science. The most sought after careers in the field of economic crime management include the following:
Security Consultant
Working as a security consultant entails offering expert advice to clients such as Internet businesses, large corporations that do business online, and banking institutions. Security consultants can also assist in developing security systems for a business that will monitor activity, detect fraud and identity theft, and for transaction verification. Security consultants tend to have a related degree and several years experience in this field.
Certified Public Accountant
Certified public accountants offer a variety of financial-related services to governments, corporations and organizations. CPA?s may also assist others in safeguarding assets, developing financial security systems, and monitor financial transactions and records for clients. In addition to earning a masters degree in economic crime management, a CPA must have a bachelor?s degree in accounting and earn a CPA certification.
Internal Auditor
To verify and monitor business records, information systems, and financial statements, corporations and organizations generally hire an internal auditor. Internal auditors are also employed to prevent criminal activities by employees and perhaps shareholders. Another part of an internal auditor?s job is to create security measures to help control fraudulent activity within a company or organization, and teach companies how to get the most from every dollar spent, eliminating corporate waste.
Federal Bureau of Investigation Agent
Becoming an FBI agent will require additional education and training, as it is a highly competitive field. In addition to having a degree in economic crime, FBI candidates will also need to earn an accounting degree, a law degree, be proficient in foreign languages, and have multiple years of professional experience. The FBI investigates a variety of federal violations and economic crimes such as bribery, government fraud, Internet fraud, financial crime and money laundering.
Jobs as an Investigator
Three kinds of investigator jobs require a masters degree in economic crime management. These include working as a private investigator, corporate investigator and a financial investigator. Private investigators are hired to do research, conduct surveillance and verify various facts. The government, a private individual, or a corporation could hire a private investigator, to investigate various types of economic crimes. To prevent crime, and to determine if any criminal activity is being committed within the workplace, corporations and businesses will work with a corporate investigator. Most are hired to investigate fraud, financial records, theft, drug use, and other business-related crimes.
Financial investigators help develop financial profiles of businesses and individuals for clients, to assist them in determining which are worthy prospects. Many financial investigators begin with a career as a certified public accountant, and then work toward the field of economic crime management after gaining necessary work experience.

Source: http://www.redeemingriches.com/2012/12/21/career-options-in-economic-crime-management/
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